tw afterschool Academies — 2024-2025
To continue to provide quality afterschool at no to low cost, Transformation Waco (TW) will start accepting Child Care Services (CCS) payments for the 2024-2025 school year at Brook Avenue Elementary, J.H. Hines Elementary and G.W. Carver Middle School. The Greater Waco YMCA will administer the afterschool program at Alta Vista Elementary and determine costs.
The weekly cost for TW AfterSchool Academies is $120. However, TW is committed to offering low or no-cost services, but families must apply for CCS. Scholarships are available for families who only partially qualify for funding or do not qualify for CCS.
Please follow the five steps on this page to complete the registration process.
schedule in-person REGISTRATIOn help
To set up in-person registration help, email the following staff members:
Brook Avenue:
J.H. Hines:
G.W. Carver:
Once the application is completed, parents should receive an email that states their application has been successfully submitted. They will be added to the CCS waitlist (priority status families are moved to the top).
Please forward your email confirmation to the appropriate afterschool site coordinator:
Brook Avenue:
J.H. Hines:
G.W. Carver:
While waiting for a response from CCS, please sign up for TW AfterSchool Academies by clicking the link below and then follow the next steps.
STEP 4: submit required documents for ccs
The next step in the process is families will be contacted by a Texas Workforce caseworker. They'll guide families through submitting the required documents listed below.
STEP 5: select school
Once all the documents are submitted and approved, families can select the Transformation Waco campus of choice from a list of contracted CCS Providers. At this point, select:
Brook Avenue Elementary ASA — 1792337
J.H. Hines Elementary ASA — 1792397
G.W. Carver ASA — 1792373
important information
Enrollment in the CCS program is subject to the availability of funds, and eligible families may have to wait for approval past the start of afterschool in August 2024. In this case, families will qualify for TW scholarships so students can attend afterschool while waiting on CCS status. Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so sign up as soon as you can.